I suggest sculpture "Box of secrets".
We can get insight if we da not look only the surface of life. In our lives we want to discover the secrets of the world, about life, about yourself. I suggest you look for these secrets in depth by looking in nature, animals, fish, plants in other people around us and in ourselves.
The sculpture is a box of two parts, which c10sed interior space. The
pieces interact with each other by varied profile. 4 holes are formed in the
shape of fish, animals and birds. In these openings viewer can look inside the
stone. The viewer is surprised by the new view. He sees the inside of the
cabinet, and fragments of the outer landscape in the form of animals, fish,
Size: 140/80/140 cm.
The sculpture is made of stone - limestone or marble if available.
It will be easier if you have 2 pieces of stone size 140/80/70 cm. each. If this is not possible - 1 stone size 140/80/140 cm